Rafe came over tonight. Some of you know that he's one of my two best friends; straight, married, owns a Madison Avenue hair salon. Something about me attracts Madison Ave hair stylists as I've been friends with many since I was eighteen. Might have something to do with my very thick almost unnameable hair.
We talked about the first time we met. Lucia was working as a temp hair salon receptionist while she waited for her job as manager of an architectural plaster company and store in Nolita to begin. She called to tell me about an incredible hair stylist who had to cut my hair.
Rafe was adorable, but his hair slid down my back and began touching me. I slapped him. He was shocked as no woman had done that before. He's Colombian, macho male personified. He's also one of the most sensitive caring people that I know; if I had only seen his macho side I would have missed out on one of the best friendships that I have ever had.
Twenty years ago, I taught Rafe that, yes, you can respect women, and yes you can be platonic friends. We almost slid once, but laughed too hard. His wife is my friend; it would have been incest. Yick.
At first my mother would ask many questions as she found it fascinating and unusual. Of course, she understood my friendships with gay males.
Did point out that both she and my father had friends of the opposite sex, and what made that any different? I did stay at Rafe's house, and he visits until very late. We spur each other on, and are always there for each other during good and bad times. Think people need more friendships like ours.
Could be wrong.
Last night I was groping for this sentence: do most people think platonic friendships can work between men and women when both are in couples?
I have just been given some very interesting gossip about my building that explains why nothing in this luxe Upper West Side coop makes sense. Now everything does. My confidential source is extremely reliable. Will not name this source though said source got it straight from Fernando the doorman--no source isn't Rafe or Lucia. This will be my weekend post. Can't wait to put it in!
Oh yes, Lucia accused me of being a platonic man stealer. Did say she met him first, as she called me to tell me about him. Am going to do a series on Lucia, Rafe and Pia sit around and shoot the bull. Actually much more exciting than it sounds. Really.
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